


Checklist – Schengen Visa – Business



姓 名:

Passport number:


Purpose of visit:


Contact no.:


E-mail address:


Please be informed that failure to submit the documents listed below may result in application being refused by the Embassy/Consulate General of the Republic of Poland. The required documents have to be translated into Polish or English in a separate document according to the instructions below. The passport remains at the Embassy/Consulate during the entire application period.

Application shall be lodged at least 15 calendar days before an intended trip to the Schengen Area.


您应在预计前往申根区前至少 15 个日历日前提出申请。

Note: The application material should be placed in the following order:


Required documents

所需材料 Yes

有 No

没有 Remarks


1. Visa application form without blanks, signed by the applicant in Latin alphabet (in case of a minor, signed by both parents or legal guardians).

One color photograph (white background, 35 mm x 45mm, not older than 6 months).


一张彩色照片(白色背景,35 毫米 x 45 毫米,拍摄时间不早于 6 个月)。

2. Passport or other travel document and one copy of the identification page, copy of the pages with Schengen/Polish national visas (if issued) and copy of page with signature on the passport. If the visas were in the previous passport – copy of that passport identification page and page with signature.

Travel document must be: not older than 10 years, valid for at least 90 days after the expiration of visa and contain at least 2 blank pages.



3. Original ID and hukou with copies of all the pages (only for Chinese nationals). In case the applicant is from another consular jurisdiction: Zan Zhu Zheng or other police certificate to prove his or her stay in the current jurisdiction.



4. Original residence permit/other proof of legal stay in China, with copy, valid for at least 3 months after the date of submission of visa application – if applicable.


提交签证申请之日后 3 个月 -如适用。

5. Travel medical insurance covering the entire duration of stay with a minimum coverage of 30 000 EUR, including costs of emergency treatment, repatriation for medical reasons as well as transportation in case of death. Handwritten certificates will not be accepted. The name of the insured should be also written in Latin alphabet.


额为 30000 欧元,包括紧急治疗、医疗原因送返以及死亡时的转运费用。不接受手写证明。被保险人的姓名也应以拉丁字母书写。

6. Original invitation letter from the organizer of the visit on official company paper with stamp and signature, containing:

1) statement of the inviting party on the specific reasons for the visit ,

2) detailed purpose and duration of the visit (date of entry, date of departure) with a detailed schedule,

3) justification for the necessity of personal visit,

4) written information on the quarantine conditions after arrival to Poland (or an official document proving quarantine exemption),

5) information on the person or the entity who will bear applicant's travel and living costs,

6) printed version of inviting company’s Polish KRS (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy) or CEIDG (Centralna Ewidencja i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej).


1) 邀请方关于访问目的的声明。

2) 详细的访问目的和时间(入境日期、离开日期),并附上详细的日程表。

3) 个人访问的必要性的说明。

4) 关于抵达波兰后的隔离条件的书面资料(或证明可以免隔离的官方文件)。

5) 承担申请人旅行和生活费用的个人或单位的信息。

6 ) 邀请公司的波兰 KRS ( Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy )或 CEIDG

(Centralna Ewidencja i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej)的打


7. Original letter from the Chinese employer confirming the purpose of the trip (on company paper, signed and stamped) – if applicable.



8. Proof of accommodation for the whole duration of intended stay including the quarantine period (hotel bookings, lease agreement, other lending contracts) with confirmation of payment.

Documents shall contain information about the cost of stay.



9.      Proof of financial means: Bank statements from the current account from the last 3 months, no deposits.

1. Proof of the solvency of the employing company, if the company pays the costs of travel and living, or

2. Proof of the applicant's personal solvency, in case of personally covering the costs of travel and living.

申请人偿付能力证明:最近 3 个月的银行对账单, 无需存款证明.

1. 如果公司支付旅行及生活费用,需提供公司的偿付能力证明,或

2. 如果申请人自行承担旅行及生活费用,需提供申请人个人偿付能力证明。

10. For employees:

1. A sealed copy of the business license of the employing company,

2. A letter from the employer (in English or in Chinese, translated into Polish/English) on official company paper with stamp, signature and date, clearly mentioning:

a) Address, telephone and fax numbers of the employing company,

b) The name and position in the employing company of the countersigning officer,

c) The name of the applicant, position, salary and years of service,

d) Approval for absence.

For self-employed or freelancers:

Documents proving professional activity.


1 用人单位营业执照复印件,加盖公章,

2 雇主在公司正式纸张上出具的证明(英文或中文,翻译成波兰语/英语),带有印章、签名和日期,明确提及:

a) 用人单位的地址、电话和传真号码, b) 会签人员的姓名和在用人单位的职务, c) 申请人的姓名、职位、工资和工作年限, d) 缺勤批准。



11. Flight Reservation (reservation only)

机票预订单 (仅需预订单)

12. Additional notes: optional documents.

Applicants are allowed to submit additional documents that they consider useful to explain and/or justify the trip.



Note: The Embassy/Consulate General of the Republic of Poland reserves the right to request additional information/documentation and, if deemed necessary, to interview the applicant in person.

备注: 波兰共和国驻华大使馆/总领事馆有权要求申请人提供补充信息/材料。如若必要,申请者将被要求前往大使馆/总领事馆面试。

To be completed by the Inquiry Officer:


1 . The applicant has confirmed that he/she has no other documents to submit.


2. The applicant has submitted the supporting documents listed above. I have advised him/her that failure to submit all necessary documents may result in the application being refused. The applicant has chosen to proceed with the application.


3. I have advised the applicant that the Embassy/Consulate does not give back the documents that are submitted with the application and that the applicant is advised to make an appropriate amount of copies of documents that she/he might need in future.


Visa fee 签证费 Courier fee (if any)


Service fee 服务费 Other fees


Name & signature of Inquiry Officer 资料受理员签名 Date 日期

Applicant’s signature 申请人签名



